2 min readDec 31, 2020

what is photoshop?

Photoshop is computer-aided retouching, processing and drawing software,Published by Adobe, it is the best program used for processing digital photographs.
the program is available for all operating systems, namely windows, mac os and others.
Photoshop has its own file format (psd extension). This allows the different layers that make up the image to remain separate in order to treat them separately.

photoshop CC 2020 features:
01. Conditional actions:
Conditional actions allow you to create actions that choose what to do next based on a condition among several different conditions.02. Smart Sharpen:
Most digital photos need to be sharpened, and the need increases if you change a file’s dimensions or resolution with the Resample Image option checked,
convert a file to CMYK Color mode, or apply a transformation command.03. Generator technology:
Generator premiered as a “PSD Lens” at the Sneak Peeks of the MAX Conference in May and was critically acclaimed,
and now due to Creative Cloud’s ability to release product upgrades quickly and once they’re ready, all Photoshop CC users go to the full cloud or just one app.04. Better 3D tools:
We are in the age of 3D technology, we can see artifacts, architectural models, biological simulations, fictional creatures, futuristic machines,
and realistic objects almost everywhere. Most of these sketches were done through Photoshop, from texture editing to final mockups; This makes it a must-know tool
for anyone interested in 3D design. 05. Intelligent upsampling:
Intelligent downsampling refers to the technology with which you can capture a low-resolution image and have it ready for printing. Although downsampling has always been a more manageable option (which includes) deleting pixels; Photos often tend to lose detail. However, with Photoshop CC,
you have a Bicubic Sharper option that helps preserve details when downsizing.06- CSS From Layers:
The Copy CSS command generates Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) properties from shape or text layers. The CSS code is copied to the Clipboard and can be pasted into a stylesheet. In the case of shape layers,
this command captures values ​​corresponding to the following parameters.other features: Multi-shape and path selection
Connected to Behance
Editable rounded rectangles
Save to Cloud
. Extended features included
Colour import from web files
Improved type styles
Camera Shake Reduction
Expanded Smart Object supportwhy I should use photoshop CC 2020? for a simple reason ,the world now is changing to the digital ,generaly the design is a wonderful domaine to enter in and will offer you big opportunities to work if you
have this speciel skills.where I can download Photoshop CC 2020:this is a direct link to downloaad PHOTOSHOP last version:

